Thursday, August 31, 2006


It was years back. After my secondary studies I was taken to serve the Military. Prior to any active duty, every individual soldier was given a special military training. along with hundreds of fresh recruits, I was taken to an uninhabited island where they have built a military training centre. More than a month passed and I was so desperate but full of hope in returning home as a well trained soldier. We were given training step by step. And day by day it was getting tough for us to hang to it. It was then, me and my platoon mates were sent to night duties to various key points of the base. Duties were split in pairs of two, which is also known as buddy system. Luckily my buddy was also my classmate when I was in school. So we were quite a good pair. It was our platoon’s duty night. Each platoon has three sections. And each section will take over the duty for two hours. That’s not much of a time for a soldier. And we never deviated to it. Always the off-duty recruits should woke up by the on duty mates. So they came and woke us up. It was 02:45am I got fresh and went to the mess room along with my buddies. Had a coffee and by 03:00am we were there on our duty point. This time it was the armory (where all the weapons are stored). My buddy and I was really close since our childhood. So we share a lot common stories. We were discussing so many things regardless to any horror incidents. And also we had some cracker biscuits on our webbin porch (pocket).So enjoyed eating and chatting face to face.
Suddenly we both turned our heads as we saw a swift movement near the bush. But didn’t take that seriously. My buddy said it was supposed to be an instructor trying to bear out our duty. So we got back to our chat again. Again the same swift movement happened in front of our eyes. But this time, with a reverberation and a more clear view. The figure ran in to the Magoo bushes (a mangrove plant which grows near the beach). This time my buddy said it’s an enemy (instructors played enemy during trainings).Lets do it. We need to defend our duty posts. And we both walked near the bush. And with the muzzle (tip) of our AK-47 rifles we strolled into the bush. I was looking back at that time in order to keep a clear view of the entrance of our duty post. But there was no one. So we had back again and went on with our chat. Some few minutes passed we were crunching our cracker biscuits and drank water, which made our bodies refreshed.
In every few minutes either one of us was supposed to walk near the post. So my buddy went on. I lost him from my sight as he walked behind an upright "thaangee" (a cylindrical water tank). And I was waiting for him to return as I was afraid when I was alone. Suddenly he shouted out my name loud. And keeping my fears aside I reluctantly ran towards him. but "Oh! My god!" I thought it was just a joke. He laughed as I sighed to his face. But though he laughed his face showed me some kind of a different emotion which I cannot even explain. I didn’t have the courage to ask him what it was. Before I asked him anything he said it was nothing "lets look around". So we walked in circles around the "thaangee". My ears gave me signals of a silent but creepy sound. It was supernatural. So we reversed our walk. And with a few steps we were forced to stop and quietly observe the foot steps of this stranger. And from the sounds of silence we knew it was not far away from us. And with a glance we saw it ran again on to the bushes. Still we were not able to figure out the physical appearance of the stranger. We loped in to the bushes killing our fears. And we ghost walked (an army method of walking in the dark) within the bushes but with no luck had to come out. We were wretched of this stranger at this point.
Then happened the worst moments of our lives. Though, I was wearing a long sleeve army uniform. I had Goosebumps all over my skin. The stranger was just a few steps ahead of us. It was a he. And he had conquered our duty post. He looked exactly like a negroid (African tribe-black skin) six or seven year old boy. But his head was a bit out of proportion. It was larger than a normal boys head. His eyes were smoldering in a white light. And he was physically very thin but had a belly hung like a maternal mother of three months. This Black boy’s male hood was uncovered. And like us, he was motionless. Seemed that he was also afraid of intervening with us. Still he was starring at us. And I thought to myself that the scary boy might chase us. Holding grip on my rifle I ran towards light. And besides me came my buddy. We went to the mess room and stayed there till sunrise.
Now I believe that, super naturals do occur and ghosts do exist. This was my first ever ghost sighting. And later I found out that this strange boy seen only at night is a ghost species. Which is locally called the " Baburu kujja" or "Kuda foolhu", and this strange creature is said to be harmless unless molest towards him. His skin has a slickery grayish substance, which if contacted in human skin will be irritating and will end up to a never disappearing smear on skin. And this creature is said to be an ever lasting young boy till infinity. They say beware not to talk or touch the creature or do any harm to it for your own safety.


Blogger jaheen said...

a good experience, aint it? i bet, not every recruit wud have got the chance to meet this "baburu kujjaa". has anyone else met "him" in the island? guess u guys wudnt have even attempted to check who it was, if u knew it was a baburu dude , in the first place :P

anyways i, too, do beleieve in their existence.. i've seen what u call an "ali gulha".. it was so damn big and bright..

ps. awesome piece of writing! had to keep my breath paused once in a while, when i was reading :)


6:38 AM  
Blogger shamau said...

thanx buddy!, and yeah i have another incident about that fireball(aligulha) will publish it shortly.

6:44 AM  
Blogger moyameehaa said...

i believe in supernatural beings, and indeed all muslims have to (b'coz they are mentioned in the quran, and even the prophet mohamed met em personally, and have even conveyed the message of islam to them).But ghosts, i dont believe in em. in islam (in christianity and many other religions too) the souls cannot roam freely on eart. in islam it is believed that the souls are trapped in 'barzakh' a barrier between this world and that world.

And i have never experienced any of them, but many of my friends and relatives have.And about the local namings of jinns, it is believed that these supernatural creatures were onced worshipped by maldivians (hence the names, Kadda Devi, Mulha Devi-...devi means goddess).And after converting to islam,(or maybe before that when we converted to buddism) we took these beings as evil,supernatural demons.Yet after islam also there are accounts of avattehi jinns (who were said to be servant jinns working in the kitchen),some of my ancestors are said to be served by these female jinns, who in returns asks for fish bones...and by the way i think this comment is getting too looong, so i thiink i will extend this and make another blogspost...heheheh , nice post! ;D .dont u think this is the beginig of 'biruveri' posts among maldivian bloggers...kekek

4:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen ali gulhas yeah ... streaking off at right! so have hundreds of tourists, at least the ones around me!
Baburu Kudhin always made me feel sad. We Maldivians did keep slaves you know... my 5th or 6th grandfather was one. And I doubt all of them were treated well. Even the kids...

5:24 PM  

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