Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Golhaa face

Heres a pic of my lil bro doing his golhaaboa face...


Friday, August 24, 2007

To the Rescue

My friend Jenny took this pic of mine in Srilanka. It was night and we were at the beach, with some more friends. And whoo......there were these cute little ones....newly hatched from their eggs, and finding its way to the sea..the sound was loud and the lights was soo bright, and the baby turtles got confused where the sea we took them and exposed to the sea.

*Thanks to Jenny for taking this pic..


Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Wedding Invitation

This is a handmade wedding invitation card which i made for a very close friend of mine. Its made of different types of paper and some flower accesories.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I miss you

The more I think of you,
Is the more I miss you,
Every single Day,
Every single Hour,
Every single Minute,
And every single second,
Time for me is enemy now,
Offending me with so slow ticks,
Rising up everyday has gone,
I don’t feel like waking up at all,
Just another few days left,
Gust of time just bugs me still,
I have no choice but to wait,
Till the end of thirty first of August.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Getting Married?is all i hear these day...

I have been witnessing a lot of wedding celebrations throughout my life. I never knew much about this marriage thing till i was 14. Now that i have been thinking about this issue so much,im having this big Q' flowing in my mind. Whats the difference of getting married or living together. Well, i dont know. All my friends are getting married now. Im the only one left now. Im single in that case, But im comitted in a relationship with the best girl in the whole world. She is just the type ive been waiting for all my life. It has been months for our relation but its like ive known her all my life. She shares every detailed bit of her life with me. She cares to the fullest extent. And she gives me all her love. And she loves me for who i am, and not for what i am. I never ever experienced the joy of a relation till i met her. And ever since we met we have been experiencing something very unique. That is we get telepathy so much, even when we are in different places with so much difference in time. well, i believe its something which happens to get to soulmates. And maybe we are this generations soulmates. I love her so much, and I dont know how to explain how much i miss her when shes not around. Even a single day,24 hours for me is like a year long when shes not around. And with all my closest friends and family around i dont feel like they are helping me feel better. I feel so lonely when i dont see her in every single blink of my eyes. But thats not possible, i cant help, and thats not the right way.
Knowing all this,and so many Q's running in my mind. I am thinking about getting married. But, i dont know whether its too early. But since all my friends are getting married this issue is disturbing me. I know we are both on standby mode. I mean we can get married whenever we decide to. We know about each other in very detail. And we know that we can share a lifelong relation. and we understand each others feeling so much.So i guess we are ready for a marriage. But people who are married, can you all tell me how hard or easy it is to get married.

MIss you soo much love

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