Thursday, May 03, 2007

Happy Birthday Love!

After a few days of planning i finally managed to give my girlfriend a very surprising birthday party. It was a small house party but, i managed to decorate the place, and arrange the cake and other short eats... while i was with her. It was a tough job, coz all night i was with her,right next to her. My lame excuses were: 1. To go get a Coke. 2.To go to the balcony.3.To go to the terrace.4.To go get some water.5. To go and close the door.6.To go get another coke.

She believed me...and never smelled of this surprise.hehe. And finally i managed to misguide her attention on thinking that i might give her a surprise. Exactly at 00:00hrs i gave her a rose and a choco-box. and wished her. And believe me, she thought thats all i did for her birthday.hehe
Soon she recieved a call from one of her friends, i used the distraction pretty well, and managed to go and do the final touch.
When things was set. I asked her to get down to the living room. And yeah! she see the huge surprise. hehehe...Actually even i dont know how i managed to do it so fast. But thank god i did. coz i love her very much.

"Happy Birthday Love"

thanks to my dhontha-for making the most beautiful cake for az..
thanks to my bro wyl & his friend andho for the photography...
thanks to hamitte' for running around with me to buy some gifts for my love.

The Shell

This is a sketch of a shell which i use as a paper weight on my table at work.
Used a black permanent marker and a ball point pen.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Spider fever

Heres a sketch i made of a girl, Using a Black permanent marker, a pencil, and a ball point black pen.which i developed step by step. And when i finished, it was totaly different from what i thought it would look like. So i decided to call it, "The Spider fever"
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