Financial consultants from the region came to Athamana Huraa. This was to assess the situation of the islands, before any aid been given to the islands. Their screening process was coordinated by the trolls, which however with complications was passed. A severe flu rapidly started spreading among the islanders. So the trolls got assistance from “whoever organization” (an organization). And two doctors were brought to the islands and the flu was almost controlled.
King Gargoyle decided to meet up the island chiefs annually, to raise their concerns. But the two chiefs from the ends of the archipelago were met separately. This was happened to be that he feared the islanders living there. Next on the kings agenda was to provide a media to dominate the islanders support. So he gifted the most influenced persons with complimentary radios. And they were given specific rules to handle the data lines. Then the king called up the goyles and discussed about the trade of dried fish to the island of serendib as the serendibs had a strict foreign exchange concern.
An Arab ship arrived to the outer harbor of Athamana Huraa and distributed medicines to the islanders free of charge. This was coordinated by one troll. Misinformation was given to the islanders that the free medicines were gifted by King Gargoyle himself as a personal grant. By the calendar it was the independence day of the islands, so the goyles lead by the king, called up the foreign delegations and the island chiefs for a celebration.
By the end of the year, a fruitful act was conducted by a group of core members of the special meeting, by walking out of the meeting without an excuse. This was supposed to be a despise. The king then got more concerned about the representatives of the special meeting. And knew he had to do a better screening to choose the representatives who would be his slaves. Simultaneously the trolls were discussing about providing a transport service to the islands and to attain a better communication track.
Some little peaceful unrest started painting within Athamana Huraa. King Gargoyle was annoyed with this and ordered his goyles and trolls to seize the islanders in charge and sentence them no matter what the law states. King Goyle was a religious orator so with his knowledge he used his religion as a tool to fear the islanders of what they were attempting already. By then King Goyles stories were heard by media and people from other countries. And they stood up against him to convince all the people that he is a corrupted king. But nevertheless to what they campaigned, the king gave an interview to a printed Times, stating that missionaries are trying to take control of the islands and convey the islanders to other religions.
The king himself is a dictator, so it’s his duty to support other dictators in order to survive on his tactics. He therefore celebrated a day on the occasion of the taking over the leadership of a country by a dictator whom he met during a visit with the Arab man who wears a veil. The islanders were confused why this day was celebrated. The celebration was taken a clear attention by the dictator for whom the king favored. And in return the king was offered two mobile medical sea ambulances and was funded to build a school in an island.
The Religion tool theory was topping the agenda now. So the king ordered his closest troll to start building religious houses in islands. And soon the first assignment was completed in a close by island which was called the Pot. King Goyle also was fond of reading and writing history. He updated his version of history and changed the dates of then existing historical events. He then followed the history and for the first time highlighted a Martyrs Day in the memory of the brave king who died at war to protect the islands a century back. This was a strong tool in his agenda. As he wanted a day to promote the nationalism and religion through which he wanted access more popularity.
To be contd…